This quilt piece comes from the Brants! Jennifer, Jeff, Savannah, Baby (she is due any day) and Tya (the baby they will be adopting from China in 2008).
Jennifer was kind enough to make the trip out to drop off the quilt piece and wish in person...it was a short visit but we were glad to see her and wish her well with her new baby! Mei Lin gave her a big hug and kiss!
To Mei Lin they wrote:
"When a child is born invisible red threads extend from the child's spirit and connect to all the significant people who will be part of the child's life. As the child grows the threads shortn, drawing closer those people who are destined to be together." ~ Ancient Chinese Belief
Welcome to PEI Mei Lin...this wonderful little island, your home. We wish you happiness, love, peace, fun and laughter.
I remember when I posted this picture of Mei Lin while we were in China...I received a message from Jennifer saying how much she loved this picture. And she tells me that she gave the same piece of material to The Clows baby Kennedy (who are now in China) and to Shane & Debbie Gallant who are waiting for a referral from China...both who have made quilts for their children.
Thank you to the Brants!
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